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Facilities Environmental Management

Environmental management of any property and it's associated facilities is very important from a liability as well as an investment view-point. This starts before the purchase of certain property (i.e., a Environmental Site Assessment), through the life of the property (i.e., a stormwater runoff monitoring program), and at the time of demolition of the structures, (i.e., NESHAP's asbestos inspection requirements).

Proper management of these and other hazards is vital to maintaining property value and minimizing owner liability for present and future issues.

Facilities Management Services:

Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) are usually required by the investor or insurer before the purchase of commercial property. ESA provide the prespective buyer with the knowledge of the environmental condition of the property at the time of purchase, protecting the buyer from aquiring contaminated property.


Asbestos can be found in most commercial structures built before 1980. Proper inspection and management of asbestos containing building materials (ACBM) in public and commercial buildings is required by government regulation and is less expensive when managed over the life-cycle of the building.


Lead-Based Paint can be found in most all buildings built before 1978, including homes. According to the CDC "lead poisoning is the number one environmental disease facing young children". Although only federally funded housing is required to inspect and manage for lead-based paint, continuing litigation and education of the public about the dangers of leaded paint, have increased the concern of home-buyers and apartment residents.


Storm-Water Runoff Monitoring Programs are required by the EPA for most facilities which maintain a National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. LESI provides this monitoring program setup and auditing.


Waste Management is important to those facility managers who use and ultimately dispose of hazardous materials (i.e., chemicals for a manufacturing process). Government regulations are numerous and very confusing regarding hazardous materials and their waste. Mis-handling of hazardous materials can be very dangerous and costly for the owner of the material.

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Copyright © 1999 Life Environmental Services, Inc.
Last modified: May 24, 1999