LESI   Life Environmental Services, Inc.

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 Up Lead/Asbestos Indoor Air Quality Facilities Mgmt. EH&S

Environmental hazardous are all around us and can be found in many of our everyday activities. Whether it be Lead-based paint in the home, poor indoor air quality  in your office building, Asbestos in our kid's school, or contaminated property and groundwater from the manufacturer down the street.

LESI's staff has 15 years of experience in assessment, characterization and management of hazards related to property, facilities, water and waste.

    Environmental Services Provided:

     Complete Lead and Asbestos Services
     Environmental Site Assessment
     Indoor Air Quality Studies and Profiles
     Employee Exposure Monitoring
     Hazardous Waste Characterization and Management
     Underground Storage Tank Investigation
     NPDES and Stormwater Program Monitoring


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Copyright © 1999 Life Environmental Services, Inc.
Last modified: May 24, 1999